Why Do Pretty People Have No Problems Acting Normal

Ever feel condemned for not acting normal? Not being part of the status-quo? Saying or doing inappropriate things that made others uncomfortable? Welcome to my life. It is very bothersome when you feel like every move you make must be so carefully planned out. For those of us who aren’t just naturally “normal” as the world so blissfully accepts, we must painstakingly consider every word and action.

What I have seen, after years of observing people, is that pretty or beautiful people seem to act normal without trying. I’ve befriended some of them – so I know it isn’t an act. Behind closed doors, they act just as socially perfect as when out amongst their peers. They seem to have their entire lives in order, plenty of money, families, pets…you know…the whole “American dream” thing.

The picture above is probably a horrible example ~ the girl being shunned looks completely normal to me. But I couldn't even find a picture to demonstrate - because less than beautiful people don't seem to exist in the world of photography. 

People who are considered less than beautiful by society frequently struggle in all aspects of life. Acting “normal” to them means putting on a mask, and acting like an Oscar is on the line, just to get through the day without others thinking they are freaks.

Now I’m not saying this is the case 100% of the time, of course there are always anomalies. But it’s definitely a pattern I have witnessed, and can’t help but wonder why.

Insights? Experiences? Do share!


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