I Like Negative People - Negativity Gets a Bad Rap! Channeling Scott Meisterheim

Negativity really gets a bad rap.

People don’t stop to look at the reasons behind negativity, they just assume the problem is with the person projecting it. In most cases, this isn’t true! There are reasons for people’s misery, negativity, and overall bad attitude. In some cases, people really do create their own bad luck by not trying, not being persistent, and not doing their homework. But in the majority of cases, negativity is perpetuated by outside forces.

Chances are, Little Miss Positive Sally Sunshine acts that way because she’s never had to struggle. Never known the effects of poverty. sickness, ugliness in any form, or being an outcast. She has skated through life, her only challenges being things such as a botched manicure, or a date who didn’t open the car door for her. People like this make me sick. Because they are the first to prance around on their high-horse saying how negativity poisons people’s minds.
You know what poisons people’s minds?
Living through all the things that Sally has never had to endure.People who don’t embrace negativity are very often FAKE and naive. They plant ridiculous smiles on their faces and project “positivity” because its what they think the world wants to see. I would much rather be friends with a smart, negative & sarcastic person who sees through all this fake bullshit.
For an example of disgusting positive attitude, let’s use Julie, one of my past employers: Her cousin had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Devistated, she called Julie to cry, vent, get advice, share her hopeless frustrations. What did Julie happily say in response “well just be positive!” Are you F’ing serious?!? I wanted to chuck my computer at this oblivious woman’s head.

For an example of public negativity, lets use Scott Meisterheim from the TV show Bering Sea Gold:He’s broke, desperate for money, and hostile. Let’s take into consideration that he has dealt with numerous idiots on his path to finding gold, and had a crazy amount of setbacks due to faulty equipment.
Now I don’t know Scott personally, but I wish I did. I would like to know his full story. It’s hard to say whether his bad attitude is fueled by unlucky events, or his own bad decisions (probably some combination of the two). I kind of like Scott, and from what I’ve seen, I understand his plight. I’ll tell you one thing – it’s VERY tough to embrace being positive when one is surrounded by morons, so I feel his pain!

And for an example of warranted negativity, let’s use my friend Kevin: Kevin is a very kind hearted person, who loves animals and has a good heart. Ever since he turned 23, he has been hired at scandalous jobs, had minor but numerous health problems, dealt with broken down cars, & been cheated on by his girlfriend. His brother, on the other hand, is a complete jerk…doted on by the family…and life has awarded him richly.  Of course, after enduring all of this, Kevin is all but out of positivity. He tries, and fails, repeatedly. Much of the time, through no fault of his own. The world seems to have placed a dark looming cloud above his head.
You know what really pisses me off about positive people? They would say that Scott or Kevin simply need to stay positive, to watch their lives transform. What a load of garbage!  I will never be a believer of positive thinking leading anywhere. It's positive ACTION that leads to progress, regardless of what you are thinking.
Anyone else love negativity? Hate positive thinkers?
All my fellow optimistic pessimistic brethren, please comment below!


  1. Very good article. So true. People say I'm too negative all the time. I consider myself realistic, not negative. If you are positive all of the time, chances are you've never faced adversity. Most negative (or realistic) people have. Most who are negative have valid reasons for it. I prefer a 50/50 positive/negative split myself. Most prefer 90/10 positive. Just my opinion.


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