Inspirational Poetry and Pictures: Finding Hope in a World of Doubt

Sometimes, things don't work out as you've planned ~ 
and often times, that's for the best. 

Sometimes, all you need to do is keep trying.
Nobody ever succeeded by being stagnant

"We wouldn't ask why a rose that grew from the concrete has damaged petals - in turn, we would all celebrate its tenacity, we would all love its will to reach the sun." ~ Tupac Shakur

Think Exist Quotes on Tenacity

Find Your Light
We will all be reduced
To a photograph

So don’t miss out
On one single minute
Of living

Smell the flowers
Bask in the sun
Smile more often
Enjoy your surroundings
Embrace nature

Allow your soul
To flourish
For all its worth

Allow negative people
And negative situations
To roll off you
Ricochet from you

Do not feel guilty
For seeking happiness
Or for fulfilling your dreams
Your life is your own
And you are the only one
Responsible for it

Share the best of you
Be the best of you
So that when it comes time
For your photograph
To be displayed
You know in your heart
That you gave it your all

Jump! Inspiration
View Video: Rise Against - Give it All

Have you ever felt like everybody’s feelings EXCEPT your own are valid?

I’ve felt that way since I was a small child.
I would see other children crying and throwing tantrums, while bystanders and parents would coo over them so they would settle down. The minute I demanded my way, people would just stare, blankly, with their mouths agape. I could only imagine they were thinking “How dare she make a rukus!? She’s not entitled to that!”  This has not stopped as I have aged, and believe it never will change. I see full grown adults acting like children and begging for attention – which they always get. The babies of society get everything they want, although are probably resented by their peers for this behavior.

I can say that these experiences have probably made me a stronger adult. I am generally not whiney, except in my blogs lol. I do not expect handouts, or people doting over me. So, if you have ever felt that the world does not take you into consideration, become a stronger person for it. Use this form of neglect and disrespect as a way to prove that you do not need the world’s attention. You are better than that.


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